Our Business

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Comprehensive support

Consulting for Science and Technology with a Fluid Phenomenon

iCFD offers consultations and analysis for physical phenomenon as well as fluid.
Our analysis basically follows physics and eliminates modeling.

Long-term vision

Leading Embryonic Research

iCFD might play a role on a behalf of your research laboratories, and might offer various plans as a science and technology consultant. Our specialists comprehensively supports your business with the most efficient analysis and research method.
Please feel free to contact us for various researches and simulations.

Business example;

  • - Science and technoligy advises for physical phenomena, including fluid(consulting)
  • - Comprehensive research design and support such as specifying required factors or translating analysis results

Good choice for unforseeable & experimentally difficult events

Fluid Analysis Software Development/Sales/Support

Our simulation methodology, “based on physics, not on physical hypothesis,” meaning that we follow physics in any way possible and eliminate modeling, may perform brilliantly for your business.

Use cases  - numeric wind tunnel

  • Nagare, fluid analysis software, might be useful for fluid "numeric wind tunnel," which is one of development processes such as design, validate and commercialize.

Good choice for unforseeableb & experimentally difficult events

Packaged Software Development/Sales/Support

iCFD develops/sales/supports various softwares for analysis, such as fluid analysis software Nagare series, visualization software Clef, and others.